
Hong Kong Protest

 Hong Kong 2014 pretest also known as "Umbrella Movement" or "Umbrella Revolution", began in 2014 September when activists in Hong Kong protested outside the government headquarters and occupied several major city intersections after the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPCSC) announced its decision on proposed electoral reformIn disallowing civil nominations, the NPCSC made it clear that a 1200-member nominating committee, which would remain nominated by the business factions would elect two to three electoral candidates with more than half of the votes before the general public can vote on them.                              --From Wikipedia.

Hong Kong people occupied the main district of Hong Kong, most of them are students, and they suppose to get "real democracy" from "Occupy Central". Also, there are some citizens disagree with the protest.

Some people indicated that polices had violent behavior.

Image: Toy Lego characters depicting a scene of protesters confrontation riot police are seen on a table outside the government headquarters in Hong Kong
"Umbrella Movements"

Video Link :http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/hongkong/11127599/Hong-Kong-protests-why-is-this-happening.html

(The above information is without personal opinion.)

